
Things to Consider


Quite frankly, at first you should not try to envision your company as a huge national chain. 80% of all franchisors have less than 100 outlets and are quite successful. Just think of what you can do with your company with 10 to 50 outlets. This will put everything in perspective and enable you to see that it is not only possible, but also probable. Once you get to the desired number of outlets, then move forward with as many as you can handle.

Because we have made business expansion affordable, it is not so much the cost of expansion that should be first in your mind. Instead, it is the intangibles that you must think about in order for your expansion plan to succeed. Below is a list of primary considerations and our thoughts on each. With these EXPANSION NECESSITIES, all other items become a part of the process. We provide the expertise – you provide the following:



Just as you make a commitment to your business when you first start, so it goes with an expansion plan. Without a sincere commitment to growth, it will not work. As long as you are SURE about your commitment to the growth of your business then the plans and goals fall into place in time. With fantastic rewards! Just imagine your business legacy being one with a thriving on-going business. Just as any other part of your life, commitment is everything!

We believe that you must be excited about growth and consider it a challenge that all around you should enjoy. If you are committed and excited, then everyone around you will be.

A Vision of Your Company

You must also be able to SEE your company growing. SEE your company with multiple outlets. SEE your company aggressive and viable. There is an old saying that “If you do not know where you are going, any road will get you there”. This is so true in business.


Sincere Concern for Your Outlets

Are you prepared to go the extra mile for the outlets? They must win in order for you to win. Franchising is the most efficient, effective and powerful marketing and distribution system in the world. Franchising enables both the franchisor and the franchisee to fulfill their goals, objectives and dreams. The franchisor and the franchisee are truly PARTNERS IN PROFIT.